Thursday, May 26, 2011

Made some cash doing in a Focus Group

Here in the St. Louis area, we have a place called  HATCH Research.  You can sign up as part of their database.  They will determine if you are eligible for a research study and call you to confirm and set up your appointment.  My friend, April at Party of Five  told me about this as a way to make some extra money on the side.  She was right! 
Hatch Research called me last night and asked me if I would be available to be part of a discussion group about happened to be Billy's day off and I love baking, so it was a perfect opportunity!  They would pay me $60 and it would take less than an hour to complete...even figuring in my travel time and gas money, it was a great deal for me.

I was a bit nervous about driving downtown alone, being part of a group with total strangers, and just the idea of doing something for the first time, but I am sooo glad that i did!  Everyone was so nice and the fact that we were discussing something to do with baking made it exciting!  We sat around a conference table that had been set up with a notebook, pen, and water at each place setting with our names listed.  The leader of the group was super friendly and made it fun.  We talked about a new product that Duncan Hines is about to produce.  Shake and pour cake, muffin, and brownie mixes.  All you have to do is add water, no messing with eggs and oil for box mixes.  We got to give opinions on flavors, packaging, labels, and price.  It was so interesting to find out that we all had so much in common, but yet disagreed completely about things too!  I was interested in the product for those quick desserts.  What's not to like about a "just add water" mix with no bowl and spoon to even wash?!  Some other people didn't like it because there was no bowl to!  Anyways, I had a wonderful time and can't wait for them to call me in for another research project!

Sign up so you can be part of it too!!

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